Current and Future Events

Current and Future Events

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As can be seen the Germanic heritage of Rabbinical induction is being drawn toward the light of Elohim sorting, who through His Nevi’im said would occur before His Yom YHWH.

It’s clear the world is experiencing what could be described as catabolism, which to much chagrin falls on deaf ears by those who pretend to be “scientists” and “experts” promoting ridiculous financial schemes, such as “climate change,” “build back better,” and environmental, social, governance scams designed to depopulate the unwanted useless eaters with what Reginald Gates describes as flawed DNA.

That means you and your family by the way.

What you see in current headlines about the ADL and the Rabbinical Centre of Europe communicating forms of “anti-semitic speak” is but the result which must occur – separation of the tares and wheat.

Now, no one should communicate about shoah, in my opinion, if you do not have family members who were actually murdered there, especially when the use of rhetorical and flimsy, fictionalized data is used for the purpose of keeping fake “Jews” at the forefront of antisemitic political power. Do I consider Jonathan Greenblatt a fake Jew? Well, there is a simple test he must pass. Does he believe in YHWH and Torah or not?

Yes or No. What’s the answer?

Wikipedia and ChatGPT will tell you that you don’t need to believe in G-d to be a Jew, you just need to eat “Jewish” cuisine or perhaps sing a song and light a candle celebrating hanukkah.

I tell you now, YHWH will destroy these lies and schemes from the world as you see happening. The more the lies prevail, the more destruction will uptick until full annihilation – YOM YHWH.

I’m a bit confused why governments, the ones who have super-computers vastly superior to the ones I have personally built, have a hard time understanding this reality or homeostasis for that matter. When all one need do is plug in the data, like Martin Armstrong does, and have the computer spit out an answer.

Well the answer is of course everyone is aware of the doomsday scenarios and the WEF believes they can get ahead of it by somehow controlling society, LOL, for some utopian envisioned future. The moment any form of this vision is realized, doom will entail shortly thereafter and mankind will become as rare as the gold of ophir.

The idea then is to have a nice ride down to the bottom of the gutter and watch it all play out. We saw a similar Reich by the Germans which started WWII under a guy named Hitler.

Unfortunately, I have a long list of family members bearing my name who have perished in shoah, which many say is fiction now, seeing our town was but 30 minutes away from Auschwitz and we still carry the insult of “stumbling block zydom (Jew)” as a last name to this day. That’s ok, I wear it as a badge and can never forget history as it’s stamped upon my name every time I write it.

Unlike the off-spring German imposters who tout antisemitism as a weapon to gain political and financial power, for the purpose of breaking off the gentile yoke around our necks, we are told, we actually believe in YHWH and Torah and not some new medieval religion formed in 12th century Egypt and France.

All religions have multiple sects, some peaceful some terrorist. Unfortunately for governments being entertained by WEF German ideology (the 4th reich) they have no idea that the religious entities who have aligned with Mr. Schwab have a similar agenda concerning eugenics and depopulation.

Their mandates emanate from medieval doctrine which tells them it’s ok to murder, poison, corrupt, and destroy their fellow man, if their neighbor does not believe or follow the same made up rules they do.

Furthermore, it seems governments are ignorant to this reality, this same ideology seems to have been accepted by lackeys who run the largest corporate firms in Europe and America, and who are engaged in buying every viable company they can get their hands on for the puprose of the fictional religious concepts (that they must believe without question) that tells them they must own everything for their leader to run the world and cause all humans to serve their every lusting whim.

This is not Torah based mitzvot to be sure. It’s an ad-mix of Egyptian and Sufi lore brainwashed into their minds from their youth by confused gnostic rabbis who adhere to documents written by uneducated men in a time when the world was in flames and darkness in which a new form of religion sprung forth out of the insanity of diaspora for revenge.

The religion called Judaism forked in the road by madmen intent on remaining in power no matter what contradictions are clear and no matter what was allowed for their leaders to become gods on earth. The cult that follows them to their doom has been made clear by Ekhad for centuries through His Navi and these imposters, although many shall claim to to be “the chosen of YHWH” are the doomed diasporic seed YHWH has promised to eradicate from Earth’s biome completely.

I had to redact a portion as I don’t wish to give those reading the data any ideas to further debase their fellow man. They rely on writers to come up with stuff they can use. All A.I. can do is collate data that has already been examined/written and provides a layer of legal protection for companies to blame the data on a “robot” rather than what they are in fact doing or publishing.

As governing entity I don’t expect you to understand Talmudic logic nor the fact 3/4 of prophecy has already come true. This logic does not align with your skeptical brains, nor your belief in the science you believe will save you, when in fact it will be your undoing. Just as Talmudic logic is your undoing.

What you’re going to see as cadence here for the future is more attrition on the populace, especially propaganda aimed at U.S. citizens, upticks, in various formats of “virus” pathogens, erratic violent social behavior by hypnotized personnel through both propaganda and theft.

Psychiatric institutions operating under foreign companies or personnel who are visa or dual passports should be monitored for upticks in violent activity stemming from personnel revolving through their doors. Whether considered accredited institutions or led by prominent professor, regardless if they claim their “Jewish” or Harvard stock, many of these institutes have been compromised for attrition leading into global warfare and in fact work for the side which will continuously attempt to destabilize U.S. logistics, infrastructure, and demoralize civilians from military recruitment.

Taiwan will be invaded, unless some major compromise can be obtained through negotiations. However, the benefits of taking over the largest manufacturer of nuts, bolts, and chips is necessary to finalize the CCP’s power over global manufacturing entity.

Indeed, nut and bolt prices have doubled as well as shrinkage in OTD (on time delivery) stock. Few companies manufacture their own nuts and bolts like Ford and General Motors, so to control the marketshare, which Taiwan currently is top 5, is paramount to controlling product flow, which translates to GDP output per nation.

We don’t have to inform JANES about this. So the question remains – is our own intelligence services working on behalf of CCP governance to further WEF union between German/Chinese world dominance? Do you consider the Swiss European or are they their own unique entity?

The erroneous fictions are that the “Jews” run and own everything – hardly. Most of the world, especially PhD, have no idea where the word Jewish comes from or what era.

English Jewish factions run British Jewish things, while European Jewish factions run European things – each attempt to inroad ownership of entity based on sectors they can gain advantage.

Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street, Barclays, Geode Capital – one can examine stock ownership, CEO’s and their board structure, while at the same time who is installed at the CDC, National Health departments, the Department of Justice, and the executive branch for that matter.

Who runs committees in congress? Who are the Democrats and Republicans in office or the House for that matter and what are the connections to Zionism or extremists committed to terrorist ideology born from medieval ideology I mentioned above? Hmm?

So what we have is shift in economics to what is being referred to as Asian economics for the future. No I’m sorry this won’t hapen. Keynesian economics is dead. And Sorry Mr. Armstrong, China will not be taking the reigns on world dominance. War will cause the ship to sink and we are aware of the outcome of the Kings of the East.

I know it’s a topic no one in Asia wants to discuss as again everyone has their own religious beliefs. Besides it’s insulting to say that ones army will all but be destroyed and their culture re-identified to make the human genome non-catabolic. It’s an unwelcome thought that for any cleric of their respective religion must adamantly deny. No one will conclude that their culture will be reformed while vastly destroyed in a reformation, although that is the future for humanity that’s unavoidable.

Usually at a sermon you want to provide hope to the people and that victory will entail. What can I tell you for hope concerning the future of the American way of life? You have handed it over to your enemies is all I can tell you. It will be war and there is nothing anyone can do to avoid this now.

When China invades Taiwan (who they say is their territory) do you expect the U.S. military to lay back and do nothing? If a President or agencies are controlled by the CCP, do you really believe those entity will continue to function as working both sides once war is at full steam? I think not.

Charlatans like Erik Jan Hanussen, although labelled as “Jewish” will just be what they already were, Nazi collaborators.

The U.S. military will fight to protect Israel from certain invasion and we can see where both the Turkish and Asian military will pour down from pincer positions from Libya to Rmeilan. I am of course referring to future operations and as noted Rmeilan will be a well contested area of penetration capability.

Russia intends on maintaining territorial ownership and has proven the death toll they are willing to accept to keep such real estate. As noted previous, giving up the Black Fleet would be akin to the U.S. giving up Norfolk to Canada – ceding their Black Fleet wasn’t going to happen.

And I think the nuclear threats are only threats until one says the “the hell with it” if they’re taking too many losses. I wonder if politicians understand that religious factions really do wish the nukes to fly, maybe you understand this, maybe you don’t. Either way the majority of the leadership are looked upon as buffoons that can’t take the time to examine a vaccine under TEM, while a for-profit company utilizes the Executive Protection to murder wholesale while formulating a trillion dollars of profit. Inept and worthless is now the only terminology for the history books to explain the leadeship of today. Or perhaps pansies and cowards is a better acronym.

It also proves to the evil purveyor overlords that indeed politicians and those that follow them are stupid gentiles and that their religious pamphlets are right about them – that they’re just stupid animals and it’s legal to destroy them. If you look at it from the gnostic or religious point of view, humanity following every step of forced slavery through technocracy justifies their actions. If you refuse to do anything about their vile plans then according to their beliefs – you get what you deserve as karma.

It really does show that lawyers, doctors, and politicians are altogether as stupid as the lowest IQ and the only thing you really care about is your next paycheck as we head into the next phase of attrition before warfare envelops the world.

Once the CCP invades Taiwan, Russia drops nukes, or Zionists convince Congress to invade the Levant you can bolster Americans to fight for the righteous cause of freedom once again as the muscle for NATO while the narrative of the Nazi collaborators continues to fall apart, forcing the 4th Reich actors into barricaded positions. I expect a similar outcome as Hitler experienced – a drugged out bunker scene. One in which you can live out the remainder of your days waiting for the armies to knock, knock, knock on your bunker doors.

As Rammstein would sing, Adieu.


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