Your Fact Checkers

Your Fact Checkers

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So your fact checkers on Facebook (which they don’t tell you who they are) are leftist news networks fact checking your opinion with their opinion. This is what journalism and free speech has envisioned by the German Nazi children who conglomerated media into their one world, one vision, build back better Klaus Schwabian German eugenic ideology of debasing and destroying society.

The stupid and foolish have joined ranks with the Nazi’s who use Talmudic lore to trick you into their one world dystopian vision of an equitable future that is in fact a death lottery. Depopulation and eugenics wrapped in a big red bow of climate change, medical sabotage, and Nano Particle saturation to better control you, limit reproduction, under their 4th Reich agenda. It’s simply Hitler 2.0. But this time it’s stealth destruction.

YHWH has other plans and will crush those who destroy the earth, cultures, and people. The doomed diaspora seed as Nevi’im have foretold.

MITZVOT: VaYikra 19

11 “‘Do not steal.

“‘Do not lie.

“‘Do not deceive one another.

12 “‘Do not swear falsely by my name and so profane the name of your God. I am the Lord.

13 “‘Do not defraud or rob your neighbor.

“‘Do not hold back the wages of a hired worker overnight.

14 “‘Do not curse the deaf or put a stumbling block in front of the blind, but fear your God. I am the Lord.

15 “‘Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great, but judge your neighbor fairly.

16 “‘Do not go about spreading slander among your people.

“‘Do not do anything that endangers your neighbor’s life. I am the Lord.

Craig Newmark (founder of Craigslist) is a board member of the Poynter Foundation and donated $1 million to it in 2015.[6][7] In 2015, Poynter received $382,997 from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to influence news coverage of global health initiatives.[8] In 2017, the Poynter Institute received $1.3 million from the Omidyar Network and the Open Society Foundations in order to support new projects in three main areas: fact-checking technology, impact tracking, and financial awards through innovation grants and crowdfunding matches.[9]

In 2018, the Poynter Institute began a cooperation with the content recommendation network Revcontent, to stop misinformation and fake news in articles[10][11][12] supplying Revcontent with fact-checking provided by their International Fact-Checking Network.[13] January 11, 2018, the Charles Koch Foundation‘s Director of Free Expression, Sarah Ruger, stated in an American Society of News Editors news release that “The foundation supports many grantees committed to press freedom, including The Poynter Institute, the Newseum and Techdirt’s free speech initiative.”[14] On February 12, 2018, the Tampa Bay Times, the for-profit branch of the nonprofit Poynter institute spun off the Pulitzer Prize–winning PolitiFact website to form an independent division within Poynter.[4]

In March 2018, appointed Poynter Institute as the leader of their MediaWise program to equip middle and high school students to better differentiate online news and information. Google funded this with a $3 million grant.[15]

Since 2019, The Washington Post has been partnering with the Poynter Institute to increase diversity in media, with the goal to expand Poynter’s annual Leadership Academy for Diversity in Digital Media training journalists to become founders, top-level executives and innovators.[16][17] Other sponsors are CNN, the Scripps Howard Foundations, Craig Newmark Philanthropies, the Ethics and Excellence in Journalism Foundation and TEGNA Foundation.[18]

The who’s, who of tricky tricksters!

Poynter published a list of over 515 news websites that it labeled “unreliable” in 2019. The author of the piece used various fake news databases (including those curated by the Annenberg Public Policy Center, Merrimack College, PolitiFact, and Snopes) to compile the list and called on advertisers to “blacklist” the included sites. The list included conservative news websites such as the Washington ExaminerThe Washington Free Beacon, and The Daily Signal as well as conspiracy outfits including InfoWars.[19]

After backlash from both readers of and contributors to some of the included publications, Poynter retracted the list, citing “weaknesses in the methodology”.[20] Poynter issued a statement, saying: “[w]e regret that we failed to ensure that the data was rigorous before publication, and apologize for the confusion and agitation caused by its publication.”[21]

President Neil Brown

“Neil Brown is a left-leaning journalist. Among other journalistic jobs, he has worked as the former editor of the Tampa Bay Times and as president of the Poynter Institute for Media Studies, and sits as a member of the Pulitzer Prize board.


In 2019 Brown secured a $5 million grant from Craig Newmark Philanthropies to establish a media ethics center at Poynter. The center provides media ethics consulting to newsrooms and purports to bring interested parties together to combat disinformation and bias, though both Poynter and Newmark are aligned with left-of-center ideologies. 15 16 Newman also provided the seed money for Poynter’s PolitiFact “fact-checking” initiative that has been accused of being biased in favor of left-of-center claims.” 17 18

The Facebook “request a review of a fact-check rating” –

Clearly a dying brand/product. Get out while you can investors. We warned of their demise. Those who listened to us with Twitter made a fortune.

These so-called journalism institutions destroy themselves. It will not be 1984 or some fictional, come to life narrative. Catabolism destroys these companies as YHWH is drawing all toward YOM YHWH and with it the vortex of lies, deception, and depravity will be annihilated from the land.


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