Quantum Vitalism and Falsified Consciousness

Quantum Vitalism and Falsified Consciousness

Today we examine consciousness by Stuart Hameroff, Professor of Astrobiology, Psychology and Anesthesiology, and Director of the Center for Consciousness Studies at The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona.

Hameroff argues a rehashed “Quantum Vitalism” that microtubules define consciousness through terahertz frequency.

We can define vitalism as pseudo-science or philosophy. It’s simply conjuring theory for something yet understood. A peek into what is believed to be reality through cellular and frequency observation while inaccurately defined as science. Teaching academy such as iai peddles philosophy through propaganda as can be seen within their website. Of course foolish propaganda advertisements through teaching academy and parroted group think through institution has been thoroughly debunked through AI interface and vast collation of world government data.

So when we see guys like Hammerof telling us our cells were conscious before conception and having sex (defining in his mind consciousness) you can bet that at the end of all these fantasy theories understanding frequency use within neuron can be understood by a statement from Alexander Wendt of Cambridge,

“Yet while it is recognized that people have minds, the fact that our minds are conscious plays little role in mainstream scholarship, where we are modeled as either machines or zombies, and thus, in effect, as dead. If this is true of human beings, in turn, then it must be all the more so of society.”

The ideology of reducing mankind to frequency blips of consciousness could reap genocidal and eugenic madness at unprecedented levels. Parading themselves as genious’ peddling theory, hoping that one day their trademark brand (see Darwin) will hopefully prove true having left their mark on humanity. Without conscious thought of the ramifications of their propositions, is certainly a threat to societal function.

At the end of the day the validity of consciousness has an end-game within eugenics, regardless of panpsychism or consciousness theory from Hammerof. Anything we see developing out of English terminology, such as theory, and so-called science will include a format of eugenics. The English think in no other terms for the last three centuries. Institutionally eugenics is wrapped around the bones of English society which they wish to pervade unto all the earth; for the “betterment of humanity and understanding the origin of life” you are told.

Those who will reduce you to that of bugs or frequency numbers, if allowed, will ultimately end with loss of life as that is the fundamental bedrock of eugenic philosophy – weeding out what is defined as mutated DNA through liquidation. As noted by Reginald Gates in Heredity & Eugenics,

“However, an obvious negative measure which can
be carried into effect is the prevention of reproduction
on the part of undesirables, such as the feebleminded.
Such measures are necessary, not so much for the
improvement of the race, as for arresting its rapid
deterioration through the multiphcation of the unfit.” [sic]