

pic courtesy: https://www.editverse.com/brain-computer-interface-neuralink/

A little bit of music for your enjoyment today as you educate yourself,

It’s about swaying the positive and negative emotions of the people. Neurons can be switched on and off in mice and humans, and this new paradigm is being infused with the matrix of positive and negative energy –mitzvos, as a bedrock understanding, or guideline as a globalist road-map.

So this whole thing of groups “running this or running that” is subpar to the effect of what can be considered vitalism, “bing,” this thing we call consciousness. Your consciousness, therefore, as defined by groups who analyse such, is fictions interjected as your model of life. Which now can be “swayed” by frequency burst if you happen to live within an auditory frequency grid.

Quite literally, your behavior can be modified via frequency burst.

“A child’s first words are powerful evidence that neural circuits can
associate meaning with temporally structured sounds. This process
involves at least two steps: the encoding of acoustic temporal
structure, and associative learning of the significance of that
structure. Animal models for each of these steps are now well
established.” Aldis P. Weible, Christine Liu, Cristopher M. Niell, and Michael Wehr

“We define the EMG pattern of the normal auditory startle response in man; it has a quite distinct timing and distribution in different muscles. The activity responsible for the startle response originates in the caudal brainstem and is conducted up the brainstem and down the spinal cord by a relatively slowly conducting efferent pathway.” Brain: A Journal of Neurology, Vol-114, Part no.-4

“The startle reaction was recorded in 12 healthy subjects (mean age 37.1 yrs, range 18-80 yrs) following their informed consent. Auditory stimuli were presented randomly about once every 20 min, while the subject sat relaxed in a chair. The stimulus was a standardized auditory tone burst of 1000 Hz frequency. 50 ms duration and 124 dB presented bmaurally through earphones. (The intensity of the stimulus used exceeded safety standards for continuous acoustic stimulation, and the authors would recommend caution in the use of similar stimulus intensities in future experimentation.) Electromyographic (EMG) recordings were made using bipolar silver/silver chloride electrodes placed 2 cm apart longitudinally over the muscle bellies. Records were collected as single sweeps triggered at the start of the auditory stimulus The sampling rate was 1500 Hz per channel” [sic]

“The startle responses were elicited in 12 healthy sitting subjects by a 1000 Hz 124 dB
tone of 50 ms duration delivered to both ears randomly, up to 3 times an hour Muscle
activity was approximately synchronous bilaterally” [sic]


“The most generalized startle response to the standard sound stimulus employed consisted of eye closure, grimacing, neck flexion, trunk flexion, slight abduction of the arms, flexion of the elbows and pronation of the forearms. There was considerable variation in the degree to which this response was expressed, and in some subjects only eye closure and flexion of the neck was apparent.”

“Despite the variation in latency, the overall pattern of the response to sound was
distinctive. A blink reflex was always seen, regardless of the presence of a more
generalized startle response. The latency to onset of this blink reflex (median 36.7 ms,
range 25 -69 ms) was much shorter than that of the startle response in sternocleidomastoid (58.3 ms, range 40.4-136 ms). The blink reflex persisted despite the repetition of the auditory stimulus every minute. In contrast, the startle response habituated within 2 to 6 trials, despite the random presentation of the stimulus about every 20 min.”

So you understand what is said here, 120db of sound is louder than a motorcycle twenty feet away, but not as loud or uncomfortable as an idle jet engine. This loud sound was initiated 3x per hour with a time burst of 50ms or .05 seconds. So a quick burst of noice, three times an hour to illicit some sort of startle response, which was evident via:

  • eye closure (blinking)
  • grimacing
  • neck flexion
  • trunk flexion
  • slight abduction of the arms
  • flexion of the elbows and pronation of the forearms

Very noticeable induced behavior from an instantaneous burst of noise in which the human body automatically responds through physical movement; similar to hitting the knee (patellar reflex) with a hammer,

“Striking of the patellar tendon with a reflex hammer just below the patella stretches the muscle spindle in the quadriceps muscle.[2][3] This produces a signal which travels back to the spinal cord and synapses (without interneurons) at the level of L3 or L4 in the spinal cord, completely independent of higher centres.”

“Thus the startle reflex consisted of a generalized flexion response (Landis and
Hunt, 1939; Wilkins et al., 1986), although EMG activity was recorded in both flexor
and extensor muscles. The startle reaction was most prominent around the face, neck
and shoulders, and less marked in the lower half of the body (Strauss, 1929). The
minimum response, beyond a blink of the eyes, was activity in sternocleidomastoid (Jones and Kennedy, 1951). The latter was often the last component of the generalized startle reflex to disappear with repeated presentation of the stimulus (Jones and Kennedy, 1951). This habituation of the response was rapid, usually occurring within 2 to 6 trials, although the blink reflex persisted (Landis and Hunt, 1939; Wilkins et al., 1986).”


“We used a 532 nm wavelength ‘green’ laser at an intensity of 300 mW/mm2 at the fiber tip (i.e., 9.5 mW of total power through each 200 µm fiber) to suppress excitatory cortical activity in CaMKII-Arch mice.” Gap Fear Conditioning Requires Auditory Cortex 15438

Cortical excitability

“The nervous system is a complex cellular network composed of as many as 10 billion neurons and 60 trillion synapses that mediate interneuronal communication. Each neuron can be regarded as a component in a complex system of highly specialised, distinct neural circuits. Every aspect of behaviour, from primitive reflexes to abstract thinking and emotion, relies on the precision of the computational processes performed by these circuits, which in turn is critically dependent on healthy excitatory and inhibitory systems (1).” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3812767/

The bottomline folks, for those who wish to receive neural implants or live in frequency doused environs, understand that through both laser beam and auditory conditioning your cortex can be rewired through microsecond bursts that are hardly noticeable, and define physical and indeed, habitual reactions.

“In the first approach, we directly suppressed pyramidal neurons using green light in CaMKII-Arch mice. We previously demonstrated that this method effectively suppresses both GTRs in auditory cortex and behavioral gap detection (Weible et al., 2014). When we suppressed auditory cortex during gap-shock pairing, fear potentiation of gap detection was abolished (Fig. 4A–C, n  9 mice).”

What this means is through the use of green laser light burst (optogenetic) you can suppress auditory cortex or fear response. For a human that means a wearable brain-chip device that can easily wipe out fear as for military use in soldiers. With such implants psychotropics or stimulants for soldiers can be avoided or enhanced.

“Auditory cortex is not required for fear conditioning when using a pure tone or white noise CS (cortex stimulus) (LeDoux et al., 1984, LeDoux et al., 1986a, LeDoux et al., 1986b, Romanski and LeDoux, 1992, Campeau and Davis, 1995), but is required with more complex stimuli such as frequency-modulated sweeps (Letzkus et al., 2011).”

“This would require that learning be stimulus specific (noise burst, frequency, laser). Fear conditioning can be stimulus specific,”

Armony et al., 1997, Poremba and Gabriel, 1997, Laxmi et al., 2003, Weinberger, 2004, Bang et al., 2008, Scheich et al., 2011

Be leery of any “white noise” sleep aide, hypnosis psychiatry, or anyone utilizing flashing strobes, opto-learning or brain stimulus techniques as the results for fear potentiation/conditioning are clear, defined, and well understood.

“The lateral amygdala is known as a storage site of conditioned fear memory1,6,12,13,14. Many forms of synaptic plasticity, including long-term potentiation (LTP) and conditioning-induced trafficking of AMPA receptors, have been proposed at LA synapses as a potential cellular mechanism of fear memory storage15,16,17.” nature.com/articles/srep31069

When we are communicating about LA (lateral amygdala) we are discussing “various auditory tones” being used as conditioned stimuli (CS) which results in more malleable fear memory – the ability to shape your fears within memory recall as habitual or auto-response.

Know what corporations and governments are doing in society. Understand the terminology they are using like fear potentiation, and what the research is behind these “code words” used to reprogram society based off eugenic ideology, memory augmentation through lateral amygdala (LA) synapse, and inducing habitual fear through both optics and frequency for automating human response.

This new paradigm of education during the time of θηρίον thēríon Moshiach will be that of psychoacoustic frequency learning, or CS learning, cortex stimulus learning via optogenetic and noise burst for auto-conditioning subjects.