Former President Trump’s Attempted Assassination – Ongoing Investigation

Former President Trump’s Attempted Assassination – Ongoing Investigation

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That’s a pretty clear pic there. First off I would say the former President could have been injured on stage just from falling down at his age. So I’m glad all he suffered was a few scrapes and bruises, let alone a bullet that could have been fatal! Others attending the rally were not so lucky and I’ll redirect here for an overview. My condolences to the families at the loss of their loved ones and may the Lord have mercy in their pain and grief they suffer in this terrible time for their families.

Forensically we have several problems with narrative of the event. When I say every narrative, I’m not getting into tactical detail, sorry, I’m not going to do it for several reasons, when there are expert marksman, ex-SF personnel from various units, Erik Prince being one who have already provided post-analysis annihilation. The narrative is beyond sloppy, unacceptable, and demand both internal and external investigation.

When we view the CNN interview with Cory Mills,

you have to understand their journalists are not legititmate. They only push corporate or government narrative, which is obvious, so why does any reputable character even go on the fictional broadcast which has terrible ratings anyway? Right, so we should first examine why there is a psychological need to utilize any fraudulent institution that’s going to aid in covering up any investigation to the public. Shutting down opinion, facts, or communication regarding any type of questioning as conspiracy is their main agenda. That’s their iota, so why is Rep Cory Mills doing a CNN interview?

So the Republic needs to first circumvent any and all illegitimate organizations based on track record. If a network has a track record of shutting down communication that you’re trying to get out to the public, why then are they used? They have freedom of speech to promote fiction and propaganda to the public like the Nazi’s did as a broadcaster. That’s their right under the first amendment, but Congressmen should not be going on illegitimate publications, like CNN who have been outted for years and further outrage Americans with a dog and pony show when citizens have lost their lives to terrorist actions.

First off, it’s an ongoing investigation. You’re smart enough to draw your own conclusions as they scramble to cover this stuff up and scrub the net of further connections. The shooter (Thomas Crooks) connection to Blackrock, which Blackrock themselves authenticated and other entities of the family require further in-depth investigation. It’s the smoking gun that connects the dots to all involved. Blackrock says they will remove the video out of respect for the victims and cooperate with authorities and ongoing investigations.

Furthermore, there is not a single Operator who has gone though sniper training buying any of the nonsense of a 20 yr old kid breaching SS perimeters? Ok, so we can just throw that in the trash right there. I think at this point there should be some serious debriefing in a recording room with threat of life imprisonment for people involved in the details of the operation. That’s just my two bits, but internally they’re going to handle it their own way right. Whether sweeping under the rug as a Photo op, etc,.

The family connections and the deceased are still under observation. Dead men don’t talk so we’ll see how that plays out and if any personality resurface like astronauts. Right now, it’s so bad as a narrative I wouldn’t be surprised at what jumps out of the closet on any given Sunday. The sad reality is they will potentially be doing blowback on this for years to come.

So that makes investigators jobs easier – let the evidence unroll.

The unprofessionals are always quick to paint a “fictional” narrative right out the gate before morning light for the purpose of remaining relevant to their audience and news organizations scrambling to be on the right side of the narrative. So that’s how you can tell the difference between a news reporter and an investigator.

Investigators don’t have to do what journalists have to do to collect a paycheck. Investigators are on the job, not concerned about what a CNN head is saying to thwart the work, cover ups, or fantasy. Forensic analysis is all that is required of audio, video, and written statement, including that of any so-called journalist, which can be listed as evidence and examined in a court of law. You are not playing to an audience who eats you for breakfast and asks for seconds. Your job is to be like an alligator waiting for the prey to move around in the water, observing the whole time, watching their moves, and striking when convenient.

If you’re investigating a house fire, you’re certainly not going to listen to a CNN reporter tell you that arson is a conspiracy theory. Right, we don’t hear that, the insurance companies don’t hear that. The data is collected, analysed, and archived simple as that. What’s done with it after the fact is up to trustworthy Big Honchos above your pay grade.

I’ve made continuous notes on the findings from hundreds of investigations thus far. The revelations are no more enlightening than the fact a 20 year old kid belly crawled onto a roof (in the containment perimeter!) while a large red haired man pointed at him the entire time, flailing his arms, saying, “there he is, on the roof dummies!” 

Ok so with each passing moment the story unfolds we are lead into more anti-logic, ridiculous scenarios that if we recount to the thousands of security detail operations of the past, over decades….well, well, well, my friend, what more is there to say other than absolute hogwash right?

The fact the former President was stood up as a hot target photo op rather than extraction, goes against the grain of every security detail on the planet. It goes against ALL security protection detail in any freaking manual in any Special Operations unit. It’s the opposite of what is drilled into you as response thousands of times for unconscious muscle-memory-reaction and that’s why it was so clumsy. And how is a journalist supposed to know that anyway?

Below is not an actual mic feed, but a summary of certain moments recorded by hundreds of thousands of outlets.

“The shooters down, CLEAR!” Reminded me of watching a movie or perhaps CSI?

That’s your cue to stand up and present a target while your protectors wave their arms in your face to ward off bullets, rather than…EXTRACTION????

Nope, why would we extract our POTUS when the crowd hasn’t fled yet? “ALL CLEAR,” he said didn’t he?

How did he know there wasn’t any other resistance? No matter, he said all clear while standing on the dais, so lets stand the target up?! LETS DO WHAT?? Yes, stand the target up please and uncover his face. Make sure he’s looking at the camera ok.

So we haven’t seen that one before and why everyone is scratching their head and saying, “Did I see that right? Let’s watch that again for the 45th time.” What went down doesn’t follow familiar diplomatic security details, nor is any operator agreeing with the on-deck performance. Maybe DSS can comment on the security operations handbook or maybe verify that this is not some new cool technique that no one else has seen or done before. I’m sure that will be forthcoming within the investigation requirement and evaluation from FAR manual.

I mean you do realize that government operates from agreed upon manuals that define action, correct? And that action is scrutined regardless of DHS internal investigations due to Federal law that orders us to do so right? Ok, just wanted to make sure we have that right. Federal law orders us to investigate and provide whatever evidence or data to aid the investigation and we really don’t care what the results turn out, as we’re just doing our job. If I take personal every investigation and take my work home mentally for the thousands of jobs, one would curl up into a ball and call it a day. So we do our job, provide the data and move on to the next investigation.

To understand this we can view how data is collected from the Arson Incident Report,

“The Arson Incident Report (AIR) is an informational product prepared by the United States Bomb Data Center (USBDC), using incident data reported in the Bomb Arson Tracking System (BATS) by its nearly 1,861 interagency partners and more than 9,000 registered users. This report examines the total number of fire-related incidents reported in BATS for calendar year () and includes Incendiary (Arson), Undetermined, Accidental, Threats, Natural, and Wildland fire incidents.” UNITED STATES BOMB DATA CENTER (USBDC) Annual Arson Incident Report


Trumps staff should/must do external investigations while having “Hero Stars” in their eyes from his detail shielding him from death. Regardless of medals being handed out, Trump should not be starstruck and remain in awe and overlook anything that actually occurred.

It’s not the tactical response or lack thereof, but the whole narrative. The response by the media the previous night with their previous headlines waiting to go the next morning. How many station Directors had eulogies written for President Trump hmm? Ok investigate that.

The ear: divine miss, or World Wrestling Federation training? That’s hard to digest if we’re going to examine all scenarios. Americans don’t need to hear from groups that control CNN or Main Stream Media narratives. By morning, all main-stream-media had flipped their script and were kissing Trumps behind, while playing damage control for Biden. Their midnight scripts changed multiple formats by morning and throughout the day, so those complicit are being tracked, and investigators have no doubt they’ll slip up in several categories while evidence is gathered through thousands of personnel working around the clock to bring any terrorist author or organization to justice – NO MATTER WHERE IT LEADS.

Anyway, those in the military community, who have been there and done that, the story is thrown over the shoulder and I can hear the Sgt Major bellow out, “Move it secret squirrel, put your birth control glasses back on and get off my range!”

So as the lefty and righty newspaper feed Americans the drivel they so desire, we never moved laying here in the bush. We have been forward recon the entire time watching the care bears play out their picnic in full view.

So what needs to be done immediate is removal of internal investigations, but that’s not going to happen. You’re not going to stop the agency from investigating itself, ok so transparency that Jim Jordan is requesting is not going to happen based on architecture of the DHS organization. Naturally, that’s how it was designed, regardless of pandering “responsible governance,” or “transparent activity.”

If the action was not a photo Op, but an actual assassination attempt, which it could have been with the unique, capture shutter speed of a bullet flying by his head or the standing up there of POTUS for a final Photo take for the papers front page. I would conclude that the threat of assassination could still be viable. I would conclude that his team be put on leave under investigation, a new VETTED team inserted. And when I say vetted, I mean vetted by external Law Enforcement experts. I mean polygraphs, monitors, the works on every operator assigned. Just to be sure.

Maybe we can get some warrants for personnel that handled the shooter (Crooks) at commercial business after they’re done scrubbing the family names from the web.

Does this clinch Trump as President according to the landslide predictions with JD Vance? I would say absolutely and the Rhoadies are out, as they scramble for viability going into the next admin. They still have Gov. Kristi Noem they can use to infiltrate the Trump admin, maybe? We may hear chants from the RNC, “The British are leaving, the British are leaving.”

Meanwhile, MSN (microsoft) clamor in glee over their Moneymaker Gettys, Vucci AP, and NYT Mills bullet photo shoot, announcing how brilliant they are for capturing these awe inspiring photos that change the course of history. The data examination broadly paints the conspirators swirling around the crime scene like famished vultures. Looking for any left-over scrap that can be had.

The very next day, CBS (owners thereof) arch enemies of Trump in the past, are now seen praising and supporting the former President in bi-partisan rhetoric. I couldn’t believe with my own eyes watching a CBS announcer smile and communicate softly and warmly about RNC initative. My how the changeling adapts!

I imagine former President Trump will slide right into the oval office without answering one question about why he Executive Ordered mRNA vaccines that have been so devastating to culture while Big Pharma made windfall profits. Sure, the left-behind health wrecked Americans are still picking up the pieces of their lives. Some never will, having lost family members to the toxic plague inflicted on humanity.

The question asked years ago was how was Trump going to explain to the American people the destruction of the vaccines he authored? Well, now that problem has been solved. Maybe not by himself or constructed by him, but nevertheless, the vaccine barrier to the glittering halls of WH has now been removed.

Bio-weapons, pfff, what vaccines? He survived assassination, that’s all that matters now to those who lost the ability to think critically long ago. The question of whether Trump believes he was almost assassinated is not speculation. He was there he lived it.  There were scripts to be read by morning no matter which way it went. I do not believe Trump to be in on a deceiving hoax, but I do expect him to be used and abused as he was last time. It’s not that difficult to trick people into signing what you want through broad emergency powers. However, as noted, that power didn’t do much for President Trump while he was in the WH and especially after he left.

It did, however, inflict mortal damage to the American public, both psychologically and in morbidity, which will be ongoing litigation possibly for decades.

We asked the question for the previous Trump administration, how are you going to splain yourself to the American people to get back into the WH? There was a muted, unblinking void. Mums the word the entire time, with deflection and distraction.

This is the answer received, sans conspiracy. The question remains, will President Trump be used as a pawn, as some suggest occurred before, or will he break off his shackles in defiance of assassination and seek retribution, perhaps reinvigorate the American dream?

“Trump after the assassination attempt discussed how he agrees with RFK Jr. on vaccines,”

“I agree with you, man. Something’s wrong with that whole system, and it’s the doctors you find. Remember I said I want to do small doses. Small doses. When you feed a baby, Bobby, a vaccination that is like 38 different vaccines,and it looks like it’s meant for a horse, not a you know, 10-pound or 20-pound baby. It looks like you’re giving, you should be giving a horse this, and do you ever see the size of it. It’s so massive and then you see the baby all of a sudden starting to change radically. I’ve seen it too many times. And then you hear that it doesn’t have an impact, right? But you and I talked about that a long time ago. Anyway, I would love you to do something and I think it would be so good for you, and so big for you.”

The NPR establishment Pharma news network didn’t waste anytime before going into full promotional $$$ mode through Rachel Treisman. July 16, 2024.

“Kennedy has centered his political campaign on a conspiratorial view of the world, including promoting the misleading claim (LOL the FACTUAL CLAIM) that vaccines are harmful. Trump, on the other hand, oversaw the initial U.S. response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the federal government’s development of the first vaccines against the coronavirus that causes the disease COVID-19.

“..that causes the disease.” Trump’s not even in office yet and NPR is promoting Trump vaccines. My how the script flips!

Does Treisman understand what a Corona protein is? It’s apparent the person is merely an uneducated talking head, like so many of the other parroted for-paycheck clones out there. They have no conscience other than an income stream and without doubt have never read a paper on nanomof. Educate yourself for once.

Nanoparticle-cell interactions: molecular structure of the protein corona and cellular outcomes.

“Once the NPs enter the body, they can trigger different reactions due to their interplay with blood components. In blood, proteins attach immediately to the nanoparticle surface forming a so-called “protein corona”, which defines the biological identity of the colloidal suspension. Such processes in the blood stream can lead to alterations of protein structures which may cause diseases through the ability to induce an immune response.” Interaction of fibrinogen–magnetic nanoparticle
bioconjugates with integrin reconstituted into artificial membranes, The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020.

So as we can see the parasitical, no-conscience army of corporate trolls still exist, pushing like pimps for the Pharma company while pretending to be journalists at the same time. MSM and their employees are the real problem with America. The disgusting, soul-less, gutted feigns who push death to your family while being paid to do so.

Until society has had enough and have deemed in unison that you’re not going to take it anymore, we will continue to suffer under this umbrella of violence and death all so your enemy can reap the profits from your bones.

What’s the motto: by way of deception, who dares wins, or de oppresso liber, which is it?