The Creativum Experiment

The Creativum Experiment


For a more in-depth comprehension of philosophy, religion, and ontology the Creativum Experiment was developed. If you have taken the experiment before, fantastic, you know the outcome, and the oddity of such. There is a $500 prize for anyone who can fulfill the experiment.

This is a fun experiment to see how creative you can be and realize the limitations of your mind. Possessing a “created mind” rather than an “evolved mind” is the subject of much debate within ontology and this test aids in the understanding of the human psyche.

The purpose of the experiment is for the advancement of psychology, metaphysics, ontology, and human intelligence. Each of our minds have navigated different pathways and have collected a myriad of memories, stored, and discarded throughout our existence. Your experiences write a different story and shed light on subjects from your point of view. That is precisely the keen interest – your point of view, your ability to create with your mind and your understanding of the very elements that surround us and makes us who we are – human.

Without further ado, please, test your mental prowess and good luck!

Daniel Joseph Zawada


1. You must create something that does not exist – think it out, and draw it.

2. You cannot use anything that already exists i.e., legs, arms, tentacles, fins, teeth, wood, elements etc..

3. You must name the new creation and the name can’t be based off anything that already exists.

4. The new creation “it” must have purpose.

This challenge extends to ANYONE on the planet to fulfill the experiment. Creativum explanation here.

Again, there is a $500 prize for anyone who can fulfill the experiment based on the instructions above.

Submit your results below. For text document, word, or PDF, simply “select all your text,”  and then copy and paste data into the message area. We’ll contact you by email if we require a .docx, or similar format based on your text submitted. Upon examination, we’ll notify you of the results by email. If you succeed, we’ll gladly send your data off to Popular Mechanics, Scientific American, and Psychology Today, as well as claim your prize for conquering the experiment.

So far, it hasn’t been done. Good luck!

Submission Instructions:

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  • Scroll back down to form area.
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For email submission: Subject Line (Creativum Experiment)

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