The Population Numbers Define Sustainability

The Population Numbers Define Sustainability

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China and India account for 2.8 Billion souls on the planet, out of a 7.9B population. Asia amounts to half the population of the world. Their consumption and trash output should be the only focus of sustainability compared to any other nation, especially the US and Europe.

The bad guy globalists destroy your economies to make you greeeeen, when the fact remains, your countries are a blip compared to China and India consumption.

How long will the world be fooled by these incompetent murderous maniacs?

In the USA it’s time to stop the globalist soap opera of distraction and power control. Your enemies are foreigners who have infiltrated government. It’s time to clean house congressmen. That’s not a request, it’s a demand. If you’re bought and paid for as a politician, then you’re the dinosaur. Society has had enough of the thespian theater. Once government commits to using Gaza as a scare tactic for nations (destroying civilians who can’t fight back) cultures display what happens when those who know how to fight, do so out of survival. They are not afraid and in fact look forward to kicking the butt’s of bad guy billionaires who have taken over congress and state department. Although they have had a good run and would like to stay in power in perpetual, the time of moving into retirement is now.

You think you’re going to whip Americans by corralling them into vaccine kill boxes, or perhaps more pathogen release and war to scare everyone back into servitude. No problem, once the hinges come off society, and no ones making money and can’t get medical treatment, that’s just a green light to clean house when law enforcement no longer works. History tells us how this plays out.

The wrecking ball strategy of globalists has backfired and regardless of whatever these maniacs choose to do you can be certain they fail in the end and are utterly destroyed. Just as every psychopath that came before them.